Saturday, May 1, 2010

India: Adapting into globalization

Part 1: In this part, the reader would be able to understand the main aspects of the Indian culture and the organizational culture.

India is located in South Asia, their official languages are Hindi and English, which is an advantage for businesses with United States. Another important aspect of India is the current economic growth and the importance of outsourcing products and services for the Indian globalization.

Image taken from: World travelers

The Indian culture is based on the spiritual beliefs; India has many religions and believes in reincarnation, in the karma and dharma. Therefore, the spiritual and religious part is a key in the Indian culture.

Another important aspect of the culture is the castes, which are unbreakable; now, some cities are trying to leave behind this caste system in order to avoid discrimination and be able to say that they are open to accept differences. It is a long process, not so easy to change the mentality of the castes, but in order to be a more competitive country the companies are changing their traditional styles and are looking more for qualified employees that allows the companies to be successful in the international field.

The management style is also changing in order to adapt in the changing world market. In contemporary Indian management style, employees are not longer selected because their family and castes but because their competences and abilities. Also the motivation of employees to work has changed: before, Indian employees just wanted to satisfy family needs, now employees are motivated to work because they have career perspectives and also receive competitive salaries. The last change in the Indian management style is the leadership style, in which subordinates opinions are solicited and leaders are not involve with subordinates during the process of task accomplishment.

In conclusion, India in order to be a more competitive nation has been learning, acquiring technical knowledge, outsourcing products and services and changing their management style.

Part 2: In this part, it would be answered the following question: What do you think are the reasons behind the fast-growth outsourcing industry in India?

India is a country that has been changing its traditional management styles and has been focusing on learning about technology and innovations in order to adapt into a globalized world that needs and wants the outsourcing companies that this country has.

Image taken from: Getty Images

The India´s strategy is to use all the advantages they have in order to achieve a place in this competitive world were technical knowledge is essential for the growth of an economy.

One of the advantages that India has is the high knowledge in technology because the technicians receive education in India and also in countries as United States that offers a huge quantity of valuable knowledge in technology. Therefore, the education that technicians receive gives quality to the Indian outsourcing companies.

Indian outsourcing companies are offering cheaper services, trying to achieve an advantage based on the price. Although the strategy has been working, because the services have good quality and the Indian companies have been achieving an image based on technology and knowledge, there are many other countries that are competing also with prices. The price competition is difficult because there will be always someone with the lower price and also offers good services.

The English language is another advantage for India, because they were a British colony and the English can be consider as their native language; they know the English vocabulary, they have all the tools for talking and express themselves in English. Although they know the language they have their own accent, which sometimes is difficult to understand for Americans; but in order to give a solution in this topic, Indian workers especially in call centers, are trained in order to have an understandable and American accent.

Another factor that can be consider as an advantage for Indian outsourcing companies is the time zone, because while American sleep Indians work. But a huge quantity of Indians working in call centers also spend the night answering questions of United States people and calling them to remain the credit cards payment.

Image taken from: Getty Images

The following video, shows the importance of outsourcing in the Indian globalization and mention some of the aspects that are in this blog:

In conclusion, outsourcing companies in India have many advantages that give to the country the possibility to globalize and maybe thing in the possibility of a future Indian superpower nation.


Agarwal, Sanjeev, Thomas E DeCarlo, Shyam B. Vyas, & Source:. 1999. Leadership Behavior and Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study of American and Indian Salespersons. Journal of International Business Studies, 30(4): 727-43.

Getty Images, “outsorcing”, [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: March 23, 2010

Vijaya, T.G., D`Netto, Brian and EspaƱa, Juan. 2007. “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.” The Management Case Study Journal 7 (2): 41-51.

Youtube, (November 28, 2007), “India Globalization/Outsourcing”, [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: March 23, 2010

Word travelers, “India Country Map”, [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: March 23, 2010

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