Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Exploring Diversity: Understand differences and avoid stereotypes

Part 1: In this part, the reader would be able to understand the importance of being aware and explore diversity inside and outside the organization

To understand diversity is to be aware of how similar and different we (people) are in some aspects. It is necessary to give importance to this topic, because the world is each time more globalized, so companies need to deal with diverse people from all over the world: suppliers, customers, outsourcing, and financial services, among others) and the success or failure in negotiations depends on the capacity of explore diversity.

The following image shows the three dimensions of diversity: The visible, the invisible and the core.

Image taken from: St. Clair County

But diversity is not only between countries, there is also diversity inside of the companies:

In many cases the existence of diversity can cause discrimination inside companies. For example it is known that although the legislation give equal pay and opportunities to women and men, the fact that women have different priorities than men (children and family) cause that women earn less than men and are used to be at the bottom of management positions, but men in the top of management positions.

There also exists racial discrimination which is prohibited by law, but people continue joking with racial and cultural differences.

In addition, the age diversity can also produce stereotypes. As an example, people can believe that older employees have more experience and knowledge or people can think that they are slowly and without new ideas just because the age.

The religious diversity can also produce tensions between employees, because some religion beliefs take into account some dress codes, a specific time to pray and holidays. The religion differences inside a company or a business can cause tensions and problems if they are not understand.

In conclusion, companies need to be aware of the importance of knowing and accepting diversity, have different perspectives, be tolerant with the differences and be aware of the own culture and the others culture. Following these advices, people will develop a cultural intelligence that allows to successfully managing different situations with other cultures.

Part 2: It would be answered the following question.

¿Do you think the entry and integration of new members to the European Union are processes that promote diversity or strive to homogenize the European Society?

The entry of new members to the European Union is a process that promote diversity, because is the union of many different countries that have economical, democratic, foreign policy, security, cultural (including language, art, folklore), historical and society diversity. But in order to be organized and be part of the EU, new members need to adopt the European Union rules and regulation.

With the integration of more members, the European Union achieved more diversification because the differences are not between the old and new members, or the east and west countries. Now, with the enlargement of the EU:

"There are differences between north and south, small and large, rich and poor, original six and later entrants, unitary states and federal states, states with strong regions…Indeed the more differences there are the fewer clear cut divisions there will be. Each member is likely to belong to several categories at the same time and oppose some countries on some issues while agreeing" (Krok-Paszkowska, 2005:9)

Due to the great diversity that originates the integration of new countries to the EU, the following video was created in Europe as part of an educational campaign that is looking for diversity and combating racial, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical attributes, dresses, etc. discrimination between the people in the European Union:

In conclusion, since the beginning of the European Union, there is a huge structural diversity because of income and wealth, law and administration differences; and also cultural diversity that cause a plurality that continues existing with the new members, which have been a huge challenge in the integration process.


St. Clair County, “St. Clair County Diversity & Inclusion Council”, [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: February 17, 2010

PIT'HA, Petr. “Cultural Diversity: Obstacle or Help in Building European Unity?”. In: Estudios Sobre Educacion; 2009, Issue 17, p171-180, 10p; [Online] EBSCO host, Access number: 47337273

Toggenburg, Gabriel N. 2005. “Who is managing ethnic and cultural diversity in the European Condominium? The moments of entry, integration and preservation”. Journal of Common Market Studies 43 (4) 717-38.

University of Pittsburgh, (August, 2005), “How Much Diversity Can the European Union Withstand?”, [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: February 17, 2010

Youtube, (July 16, 2007), eutube´s channel, “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.", [Online] Permanent URL: Last accessed: February 17, 2010.

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